A cup of Oat Straw tea

With the arrival of fall, my body is telling me that it is time to slow down.  The summer can leave us  feeling a little drained, with our heads in the clouds and our nervous systems a bit frazzled.  We should take a cue from nature.  The days are getting shorter, which traditionally would mean that we, as humans, should slow down.  Instead, the modern age that we live in makes it quite hard to do so.  Instead of doing less and going to bed a little earlier, we often find ourselves doing more.  Driving the kids to all of their activities, hosting or going to social gatherings, working late hours, so on and so forth.  It is important to take some time out to love ourselves up.  That way, we can make sure that we have the energy to do all of the wonderful things that this season has in store for us.  Here are some ways to nourish yourself this time of year:

  • Eliminate or reduce caffeine intake.  Caffeine can wreek havoc on our oatstraw_000006454223XSmall.detailadrenal glands, which in turn can make our nervous systems run haywire.
  • Practice self care like getting a massage, do yoga or some kind of stretching, taking a bath, meditate, sing or listen to music.
  • Go to bed early and try to get deep, restful sleep.
  • Eat three balanced meals a day.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Spend time outside.
  • Spend time with people who bring you joy.

One of my favorite ways to practice self care is to enjoy a nice hot cup of tea a couple of times a day.  I  work it into both my morning and evening routines.  In the morning it warms me up and sets a nice tone for the day.  It also reminds me to take a few moments in stillness and gratitude before I get busy. At night, I like to sip on a warm cup of tea to help aid in digestion and also to wind me down after a crazy day.  It is the perfect bed time ritual.  When I sit down with my evening cup, my body knows it is time to start getting mentally and physically ready for sleep. One of my favorite herbs for fall is Oat Straw.  Oat straw is beneficial for you in so many ways.  It is high in calcium and magnesium, which helps with bone loss due to osteoporosis, and muscle spasms and quivering.  It is a wonderful nervine tonic – which means it helps to strengthen the nervous system, which helps to calm anxiety.  It also helps to create emotional balance.  It’s like it lengthens your emotional fuse.  Oat straw tea also helps to lower your cholesterol, can help with withdrawals from drugs and nicotine, it nourishes your pancreas and liver and improves digestion.  It has a warming effect, so it’s great to use to knock out those fall chills that can set in.

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The best way to prepare Oat Straw tea is to make an infusion or decoction out of fresh, good quality, organic herbs.  I purchase mine through Jean’s Greens.  They are a small, family owned business out of upstate New York.  Making an infusion or decoction, instead of simply using a tea bag, ensures that you will get the most micro and macro nutrients out of the herb.

To make an infusion, place 2 tablespoons of oat straw into a glass jar.  Pour two cups of boiling, filtered or well water over the herbs.  Cover with a tightly fitted lid and let it steep for 6-8 hours or overnight.

If you are short on time, you can make a decoction.  To do this, place 2 tablespoons of the herb in a small sauce pan.  Pour two cups of filtered or well water over the herbs.  Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, cover and steep for 20 minutes.

Drink the two cups throughout the day.  You can reheat it if needed.  The best way to get the most effect from drinking oat straw tea is to drink it regularly.  The effects come on slowly, but have longevity when consumed routinely.

Happy Fall!

Yours in health,

Renee Koczkodan

Certified Holistic Health Coach


The many uses of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

View More: http://carlymichellephotography.pass.us/reneekAs I was thinking about what to write about this week, it occurred to me that the many different uses of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar have come up a bunch with colleagues and clients lately.  If you are not familiar with the stuff, it is made by exposing crushed apples to yeast and letting the apples ferment.  This turns the apple/yeast mixture into alcohol.  The second step in making apple cider vinegar is to then expose the apple alcohol to bacteria, which further ferments the alcohol and turns it into acetic acid… the main active compound in apple cider vinegar.  Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (like Bragg’s) also contains “mother,” strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the vinegar a murky, cob web-like appearance.  This is the good stuff.  It is the “mother” in the vinegar, that I believe, enables it to have so many healthy benefits.

Here is a list of some of my favorite uses for organic, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar;

  • Having 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of A.C.V. in a glass of warm water before a meal helps to reduce gas and bloating, increases satiety and metabolism.  It helps to reduce cravings, lowers blood sugar and insulin levels.  There have been some studies that have proven that having this small amount of A.C.V with water before meals can aid in weight loss! It helps break down hard to digest proteins, and balances out your body’s ph levels, helping to reduce acid reflux, and could be beneficial in reducing the risk of certain types of photocancer.
  • As a hair conditioner.  Rinsing my hair with an even mixture of water and A.C.V. after shampooing and conditioning my hair does two things… 1- it makes my hair incredibly shiny and 2- it calms my dry, flakey, itchy, winter scalp.  You can also use it as a treatment for dandruff.  Just mix equal parts with water, apply via a spay bottle to your scalp.  Leave on for up to two hours.  Rinse and repeat up to once a week.
  • It works great as a toner to reduce the appearance of fine lines, smoothes the skin and helps to eliminate acne and age spots.  You can apply the A.C.V. neat to a blemish, soak a face cloth in a diluted solution of A.C.V. and water, or mix equal parts A.C.V. and water, and apply to skin with a cotton ball.
  • Acetic acid (the main active ingredient in A.C.V.) is anti-microbial – which means it kills bacteria.  This make A.C.V. a great natural cleaner for everything from your floors to your countertops to your windows.  Just mix a small amount with water and use as you would your other, more toxic cleaners.
  • It is a mood enhancer and fatigue-fighter.  Having 1-2 tsps in water before a meal, this helps your body produce tryptophan, which in turn helps to produce serotonin, which is the feel god hormone, which helps you feel calm and relaxed.  You can also take a bit of it in water during the day to banish fatigue.  This works because A.C.V. balances the P.H. in your body, clearing brain fog and giving you a boost of energy.

With so many uses, I strongly encourage you to purchase a bottle.  It cost less then $3 in most grocery stores.  Try it out and let me know what you think!

Yours in health,

Renee Koczkodan

Certified Holistic Health Coach
